יום שני , 23 דצמבר 2024
Home >> מבזקים >> הפסקת התאום הבטחוני עם ישראל יהיה רק צעד ראשון בשורת צעדים שינקטו בהם הפלסטינים, אם לא תתקבל החלטה במועצת הבטחון של האו"ם להפסקת הכיבוש הישראלי, אומרת חברת הוועד המנהל של פתאח ד"ר חנאן עשרוואי

הפסקת התאום הבטחוני עם ישראל יהיה רק צעד ראשון בשורת צעדים שינקטו בהם הפלסטינים, אם לא תתקבל החלטה במועצת הבטחון של האו"ם להפסקת הכיבוש הישראלי, אומרת חברת הוועד המנהל של פתאח ד"ר חנאן עשרוואי

  במידה ולא תתקבלל החלטה במועצת הבטחוון של האום , להפסקת הכיבושש הישראלי. הדברים נאמרים בהמשך לדברי הנשיא מחמוד עבאס בוועידת הליגה הערבית בשבת האחרונה.             confirmed the Executive Committee of the PLO member Hanan Ashrawi, the Palestinian leadership is serious halt security coordination with the occupation, as one of several steps will be in ...


במידה ולא תתקבלל החלטה במועצת הבטחוון של האום , להפסקת הכיבושש הישראלי. הדברים נאמרים בהמשך לדברי הנשיא מחמוד עבאס בוועידת הליגה הערבית בשבת האחרונה.







confirmed the Executive Committee of the PLO member Hanan Ashrawi, the Palestinian leadership is serious halt security coordination with the occupation, as one of several steps will be in the event of failure to obtain a resolution of the UN Security Council to end the occupation, according to a timetable.

Ashrawi said, the stop security coordination would be a step of a series of steps taken by the Palestinian leadership in the event of failure to obtain the desired resolution, the most important revision of the Israeli security and Palestinian economic relationship.

And suggested in an interview told Anatolia, be delayed submission of the draft resolution to the Security Council on Sunday, came in order to consult with Arab countries, a number of countries to persuade them to vote in favor of the resolution, expected to be presented within days.

Ashrawi stressed, that the talks with the French side to ensure the ongoing vote in favor of the draft resolution, adding that France was discussing with Germany and Britain to urge them to vote for him also.

She explained, that the Palestinian leadership hopes of European and Arab countries to take positions to undermine the Israeli political, and reining in American and Canadian attitudes in favor of the occupation of Palestine through the support and recognition of non-recognizing them.

The French foreign minister said that his country will provide the initiative for the resumption of direct negotiations aimed at reaching a final solution to the conflict within two years, to recognize his country's state of Palestine in the event of the failure of this initiative, noting that the Occupying Power has announced its rejection of the initiative on the grounds that any initiative that includes a time limit is



One comment

  1. Discussing with France which is negotiating with Britain and Germany support our Security Council..
    One of the steps in. She: serious leadership to halt security coordination.

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