יום שישי , 10 ינואר 2025
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בעד מאבק מזויין

על פי הסוקרים ייתכנו כ 3 אחוזי סטייה סקר שנערך בין ה-6 בדצמבר , על ידי סקר המחקר למדיניות, בגדה מראה כי הציבור הפלסטיני בעד מאבק מזויין.  1 ) Max: The vast majority of the Palestinian public (86%) believes that the Al-Aqsa Mosque in grave danger from the intentions of the occupation: the proportion of 56% say that the occupation ...

על פי הסוקרים ייתכנו כ 3 אחוזי סטייה

סקר שנערך בין ה-6 בדצמבר , על ידי סקר המחקר למדיניות, בגדה מראה כי הציבור הפלסטיני בעד מאבק מזויין.

 1 ) Max:

The vast majority of the Palestinian public (86%) believes that the Al-Aqsa Mosque in grave danger from the intentions of the occupation: the proportion of 56% say that the occupation is planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build a Jewish place of the synagogue, while the percentage of say 21% that it plans to share the mosque with Muslims so Jews have a synagogue to pray alongside the Al Aqsa Mosque, says the percentage of 9% that the occupation authorities want to change the status quo to allow Jews to pray at the mosque. When you think the percentage does not exceed 6% only occupation that wants to maintain the status quo unchanged in.

 Half of the public believes that the occupation will succeed and the other half thought he would succeed in implementing his plans in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

 2 ) presidential and legislative elections:

If new presidential elections were held today and nominate only two were Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, Haniyeh would receive 53% (compared with 55% three months ago), Abbas gets 42% (compared with 38% three months ago). In the Gaza Strip Abbas receives 44% and Haniyeh 54%. In the West, Abbas would receive 41% and Haniyeh 53%.

Satisfaction with the performance of President Abbas drops to 35% (compared with 39% three months) before, and the level of satisfaction with President Abbas has reached 50% before the war on Gaza.

If the competition was between Marwan Barghouti and Ismail Haniyeh, Barghouti gets 52% and Haniyeh 43%.Three months ago, Barghouti received only 48% and Haniyeh 46%. Before the war on Gaza, Barghouti received 58% and Haniyeh 38%.

If the competition between President Abbas and Marwan Barghouti and Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas gets 24% and Barghouti 33% and Haniyeh 40%.

If new legislative elections are held with the participation of all political forces, 70% would participate and get a list of change and reform of the Hamas movement on the largest percentage (36%) and the opening of 34% and get all the other parties combined 11% of the 20% say they have not yet those who decide vote. Three months ago, the percentage of the vote for Hamas and Fatah 39% to 36%. Before the war on Gaza, the percentage of the vote for Hamas and Fatah 32% to 40%. In this poll, the percentage of the vote for Hamas in the Gaza Strip, 42% and 34% open. In the West Bank, vote for Hamas stands at 32% and 33% open. These results constitute a decrease in the percentage of the vote for Hamas in the West compared to three months ago, when the ratio was 38%. Also a decline in the vote for Fatah in the Gaza Strip from 39% to 34% during the same period.

A majority of 71% want to make legislative and presidential elections within a few months and up to six months, 0.8% want to take place after a year or more, and 16% do not want an election.

 3 ) the conditions of West Bank and Gaza:

Positive evaluation of the situation of the sector amounting to 10% in this poll and the percentage of positive evaluation of the status of the West Bank, amounting to 23%.

Perception of safety and security in the Gaza Strip to rise from 31% three months ago to 46% in this poll. This ratio has reached 64% before the war on Gaza. Perception of security in the West Bank land from 47% three months ago to 38% in this poll and this percentage has reached 51% before the war.

The desire to migrate between the Gaza Strip population ratio of between 43% and 23% population of the West.

Belief in the existence of corruption in the Palestinian Authority institutions amounting to 81% compared to 78% three months ago.

Belief in the existence of freedom of the press in the West 21% and belief that there is freedom of the press in the Gaza Strip of 20%.

30% of all Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza believe that people can criticize the authority in the West Bank without fear while only the largest (34%) that the people in the Gaza Strip can criticize the authorities without fear.

In the West Bank, says the percentage of only 33% to public employees union in the West are working first in order to serve the interests of employees with the proportion of 51% say they are working to serve only a political or partisan purposes. However, the 65% of the population of the West believe that the arrest of chief of staff in the civil service employees union, Bassam Zakarna, and his deputy, unacceptable or illegal while the percentage of 16% say only that the arrest acceptable or legitimate.

In the Gaza Strip, says the proportion of 49% of the public employees union in the sector, working first for the benefit of employees serving in the proportion of 47% say they are working to serve only a political or partisan purposes. The proportion of 70% of Gazans say that Zakarna arrest and his deputy is unacceptable or illegal.

 18% of the public (11% in the West and 28% in the sector) say that they have loans from banks, and loans between 88% owners say they are doing now to pay these loans. Cover loans to build or buy houses primarily followed by investment projects and then buy a car and then marriage. Half the audience satisfied with the banks and the other half are unhappy facilities.

 4 ) the role of reconciliation and unity government after the war:

Decline in the proportion of optimism successfully reconciliation from 53% three months ago to 40% in this poll.Pessimism successfully reconciliation rate rises from 43% to 58% during the same period.

Satisfaction with the performance of the unity government falls from 36% three months ago to 26% in this poll.Dissatisfaction rises from 54% to 67% during the same period. It is worth mentioning that the government of reconciliation confidence rate had reached 61% six months ago, shortly after its formation.

49% (61% in Gaza Strip) want to control unity government at the Rafah crossing and 36% (26% in Gaza Strip) want survival Hamas, however. This also applies to the crossings with Israel where you want the proportion of 50% (58% in the Gaza Strip) and placed under the control of the unity government.

46% want to be responsible for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, however, reconciliation government, compared with 35% want it under Hamas control.

Satisfaction with the implementation of the reconciliation agreement down from 48% three months ago to 36% in this poll.

44% say that Hamas has set up a shadow government in the Gaza Strip and 41% rejected it. But the proportion of the belief that Hamas is responsible for the poor performance of the reconciliation government that does not exceed 21% while 32% say that the Palestinian Authority and President Abbas are responsible for this and says the proportion of 15% that the head of the reconciliation government is responsible for the poor performance.

In light of dissatisfaction with the performance of the Palestinian Authority, the proportion of 55% believe that this power burden on the Palestinian people while only 40% say they accomplish it. Six months ago, and in light of the formation of the Government of reconciliation ratio of 50% said that the authority completion percentage of 45% said they burden on the Palestinian people.

The largest percentage (40%) carrying extremist groups are not from Fatah or Hamas responsibility for the bombings in the Gaza Strip last month and targeted the homes and vehicles of members of Fatah. But 18% say that the opening of the parties or from within is responsible for the bombings and says similar proportion (17%) that Hamas or parties from within is responsible with blame and 10% other parties led by Israel.

5 ) the Gaza war and the peace process:

Belief that Hamas had won the war on the Gaza Strip fall from 69% three months ago to 66% in this poll. 22% say that the parties came out losers. In the Gaza Strip only 58% say that Hamas emerged victorious.

Satisfaction with the accomplishments achieved by the war compared to the human and material losses that pushed the Gaza Strip and its population fall from 49% three months ago to 42% in this poll, 56% are not satisfied with the achievements. The percentage of dissatisfaction in the Gaza Strip 66%.

However, the vast majority (77%) support the launch of rockets into Israel since no end to the siege and closure on the Gaza Strip.

Opposition to the resolution of armed groups in the Gaza Strip is 49 percent. In the Gaza Strip, this percentage drops to 45%.

About two-thirds (66%) believe that Iran, Turkey and Qatar gave the Gaza Strip resilience in the face of Israel and continue to launch rockets during the war, while only believes ratio of 8% that Egypt contributed to this as well.

Only 46% of the public heard about President Abbas's plan, which calls for an timeframe for ending the occupation and the establishment of the state. Among those who had heard the 0.69% support 28% oppose it.The ratio of only 43% of those who heard them believe that the medium or high chances of success while 56% say they have little or non-existent.

Varying views of the public about the most effective for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel: 42% believe that armed action is the most effective way, 26% believe the negotiations 0.28% believe in a peaceful popular way to work. Three months ago, 44% said that armed action is the most effective in proportion chose from 29% to 23% negotiations peaceful popular resistance.

58% think that the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion while 38% think it is still in practice. Also, the proportion of 70% believe that the chances for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel in the next five years, with little or non-existent. However, the ratio of only 28% in favor and 71% opposed to abandon the two-state solution and the adoption of one-state solution.

 In the absence of a peace process and negotiations: 80% with the accession to international organizations 0.73% with joining the International Criminal Court 0.60% with a peaceful popular resistance 0.56% with a return to the armed uprising, and 49% with a solution to the Palestinian Authority. Three months ago, hit back support for an armed uprising and 50% by six months the proportion of total support for the armed uprising of 41%.

79% in favor of Hamas approach in the face of the occupation, and this percentage has reached 81% three months ago. Also, the ratio of 62% in favor of the transfer of the Hamas approach sector of the West and 36% oppose it. Three months ago amounted to support this transfer rate of 63%.

In this context, the ratio of only 28% in favor of the integration of Hamas's al-Qassam Brigades in the national security forces in the Palestinian Authority as a means to respond to the request disarm Hamas in the Gaza Strip and 68% oppose it.

In light of the growing tension in East Jerusalem and the increasing level of violence, the proportion of 80% support and 20% oppose attempts stabbed and run over Israelis in Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank.

6 ) the upper ends of the Palestinian people and the fundamental problems faced by:

43% believes that the first goal of the Palestinian people should be to achieve an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza with its capital in East Jerusalem. In contrast, 31% say that the first goal should be to get the right of return of refugees and their return to their villages and towns from which they departed in 1948.kzlk says the proportion of 16% that the first goal should be to build a person and a religious society committed to the teachings of Islam is complete, says 9% that the first goal should be to build a democratic political system that respects the freedoms and rights of Palestinians.

The basic problem facing Palestinian society today is the continuation of the occupation and the settlements in the eyes of 29% of the public, says the proportion of 25% that the first problem is rampant corruption, 23% say they are widespread unemployment and poverty, says the 18% they continued blockade of the Gaza Strip and the closure of border crossings.



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