יום שני , 23 דצמבר 2024
Home >> מבזקים >> שלטונות הכלא מאיימים על 70 אסירים פלסטינים הממשיכים בשביתת הרעב זה היום השישי, והודיעו להם שאם לא יפסיקו את השביתה יפוזרו בבתי כלא פליליים.

שלטונות הכלא מאיימים על 70 אסירים פלסטינים הממשיכים בשביתת הרעב זה היום השישי, והודיעו להם שאם לא יפסיקו את השביתה יפוזרו בבתי כלא פליליים.

האיסירים מוחים על כליאה בבידוד כענישה אכזרת שאינה חוקית, שהם קוברים אנשים חיים בתאי הבידוד. Body of Prisoner Affairs said that (70 prisoners) continue to open their hunger strike for the sixth day in a row, in protest against the continuation of the policy of solitary confinement, and in solidarity with the prisoner isolated Tennis Saadi day hunger strike which ...

האיסירים מוחים על כליאה בבידוד כענישה אכזרת שאינה חוקית, שהם קוברים אנשים חיים בתאי הבידוד.

Body of Prisoner Affairs said that (70 prisoners) continue to open their hunger strike for the sixth day in a row, in protest against the continuation of the policy of solitary confinement, and in solidarity with the prisoner isolated Tennis Saadi day hunger strike which entered the third week.

A report of the Commission on Saturday, that the prison administration threatened striking prisoners transferred to criminal prisoners sections in several prisons if they do not stop their strike, as part of the pressure on them and forcing them to stop the strike, a serious step is the first of its kind in dealing with the striking prisoners.

He warned the prisoners strikers in message body and got it if it took the prison administration on the move, the scope of the strike will expand more and more, confirming the continuation of the strike and not to their submission to the pressure exerted on them.

He said the prisoners, the re-isolation policy on more than one (30 prisoners) are considered punishment cruel and vindictive and arbitrary and illegal, though unarmed solitary is buried prisoners alive in the graves of the cells, demanding serious and effective action in order to support and advocacy; and pressure on the prison administration to stop its repressive measures against them .

The Commission emphasized that the sanctions imposed on the series began striking prisoners, including the denial of visits and'alkintena ', and do the movements of the ranks in various prisons, and prison administration refused to dialogue and negotiations about the prisoners' demands, which are headed by ending the solitary confinement.

The Commission reported that the isolated prisoners are distributed in "Eshel" and "whiff" and "Megiddo" and "Ashkelon" and "Ramla" and "Raymond", and that most defenseless decisions came by the Israeli security service Shin Bet, and that some isolated living in sections of prisons In Ganaúan bad and harsh conditions humane.




  1. כה אמר הנביא ליבוביץ: מהאנושיות דרך הלאומנות אל הברבריות.
    אפרטהייד גלאט כשר בהשגחת הבגצ והבדצ.

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