יום שני , 23 דצמבר 2024
Home >> כללי >> חלאד משעל מתייחס להמשך התאום הבטחוני ואומר כי שיתוף התאום הבטחוני עם ישראל מייצג את המכשול הגדול ביותר באחדות הפנים הפלסטינית.

חלאד משעל מתייחס להמשך התאום הבטחוני ואומר כי שיתוף התאום הבטחוני עם ישראל מייצג את המכשול הגדול ביותר באחדות הפנים הפלסטינית.

דיווח פלסטיני ויש גם את זה: Mashal said in a statement, Hamas's 27 anniversary: "there is no doubt that we are at the stage of very complex in the Palestinian arena and the region and on the international level, so we're sailing across the ocean billows today on events and conflicts and polarities and change lineups and rotation equations. He ...

דיווח פלסטיני

ויש גם את זה:
Mashal said in a statement, Hamas's 27 anniversary: "there is no doubt that we are at the stage of very complex in the Palestinian arena and the region and on the international level, so we're sailing across the ocean billows today on events and conflicts and polarities and change lineups and rotation equations.

He said Hamas under various political transitions in the memory really took off after twenty-seven years old, stands in front of the station in its history and are marching over a quarter of a century, there is no doubt that it is in a complex and difficult phase.

He said: "we came out several months ago of a fierce war and aggression of the Zionist hooligan on Gaza, the steadfast and victorious despite the difference of potentials, recorded in her luminous points and exceptional in its resistance, recognizing the role of the other factions and their sacrifices, and have added much movement in the history of the resistance".

On the possibility that the movement changes in its political and regional alliances, said torch: "to my observers trying to measure the behavior of Hamas from given, I start measuring experiments of Hamas, pressing conditions and cruel of stations from those who came before us algathm to some amendments or changes that turned into a great impact on strategic moves, but I'd like some jumping in the air."

He said it was expected that Hamas may have to undergo refraction or adapt outside conscious response and perceived natural or has changed its skin, he must be dreaming, because Hamas knows what it is and know their loca



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